Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Math on My Mind: Does this compute?

Math is on my mind this week.  In particular, computation methods, or algorithms - the fancy term mathematicians use.  No matter what grade I have taught students always seem to struggle with some computation methods.  When I taught fourth grade it was long division.   For my second graders, it's subtraction with regrouping, especially across zeros.  Addition with regrouping isn't so bad, but when we get to subtraction they hit that proverbial wall.

The purpose of algorithms should be to provide students with quick and efficient methods for computing.    Simple.  Painless.  Success for all.  When I am spending months teaching the standard method and I still have many students that can't perform the method consistently then I begin to think maybe I need to change my teaching.  

Over the years I have explored some non-standard methods, or I should say, methods that don't appear in most U.S. math textbooks.  It seems to me that the math textbook publishers are determining how we teach math in this country.  Just because the textbook teaches it one way doesn't mean that is the best way, or only way to teach a skill or concept.  My goal is always to find ways that work for my students.

When I taught 4th grade I taught my students 2 different methods for multiplication.  The traditional method and a method called Partial Products.  When I polled my students asking their preference the results were split down the middle.  I like to give my students a choice.  I want them to be active learners and find what works for them.

Now as I teach second grade my 3rd grade colleagues tell me that second graders don't remember how to subtract when they get to third grade.  This does not surprise me, because there was always a good amount of fourth graders who struggled with subtraction computation.  So, last year I decided to experiment with other subtraction methods I had learned about over the years.  I taught my second graders the Trade First method.  I like this method for several reasons.  First, it allows students to work from left to right, which is usually more natural for them.  Second, it is not that different from the the traditional subtraction algorithm.  Finally, I like this method because it works for ANY subtraction problem, even subtacting across zeros!

Trade First Subtraction Method

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This year I plan on teaching both the Trade First and standard methods.  My goal is to get my third and fourth grade colleagues on board because it doesn't help if my students aren't allowed to use the method of their choice after they leave my classroom.

Do your students struggle to learn computation methods?  Have you tried teaching alternative computation methods?  I would love to hear your experiences.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Seasons Around the World and VoiceThread

Here is the first installment of the Seasons Around the World VT, which is part of the Global Classroom project.  Classrooms grade K - 3 can join anytime.  Please check out Deb Frazier's blog, Primary Perspectives,  for tutorials and more information on using VoiceThread in the classroom.  Educators can get a free account.  You can also view my class website to see how we have used VT so far this year.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Global Classroom: Seasons Around the World VoiceThread Project

As part of the Global Classroom Project, my second graders are creating a VoiceThread called Seasons Around the World.  We are inviting other K-3 classrooms to join us!  Each season we will observe the changes in our natural world.  We will follow and observe a deciduous tree in our school yard.  We will collect data on temperature and sunrise/sunset times.  Our goals are to share and compare our seasonal observations and data with classrooms around the world.  How are the seasons around the world the same?  How are they different?  Why do the seasons change? If you would like to participate in this project by sharing your seasonal observations on our VoiceThread I invite you to join the Global Classroom Project.  For more information you can tweet me @DebraRosenquist or go to the Global Classroom Wiki.  You can also leave a comment on this blog!